A Sales or A Marketing Funnel

A sales funnel is nothing but a 4-step purchase model. It is actually a funnel which analyzes how a customer actually closes a deal.

There is something called AIDA

A – Awareness

I – Interest

D – Desire

A – Action

Let us see these terms one by one

A – Awareness

Awareness is the way you make people aware about your product or service. The process of creating awareness helps us to get what is the potential of the market, who and all can buy our products, who are the potential customers and even what’s the number of potential customers.

I – Interest

What happens is when you create awareness among people about your product or service that makes few people interested about it and they also want to know more and even try. These are basically known by the term Suspects. Now after creating awareness to a large audience, we are left with some interested people filtered out. We are still not sure if they will buy the service or not.

D – Desire

After creating awareness and selecting interested people it’s time to filter out more from them. Now, we need to know do these interested people really want to buy, do they have the real need, do they have the desire to buy our product or service. This step again leaves us with lesser people than the previous step. Due to this our focus is mainly concentered on desired customers. These are known with the term Prospects.

A – Action

Now comes the final step of action where the customer really makes the decision to purchase. Here we are left with very few people as compared to the first step of our funnel but these are the real customers who will buy our product and pay to us. This step will have good number of customers only if we nurture our prospects in a good manner.

When you are running a digital marketing campaign for your business these funnel steps should be followed very carefully. Setting up a good sales funnel will surely help you get the desired sales. Never miss the sales funnel from your digital marketing campaigns.

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