I am working with them since 2020. I started with them as a normal social media manager but I worked for their content, influencer management, ads, social media manager, YouTube and much more.
Naturally Yours is a D2C brand and has helped me a lot too in gaining lot of experience in marketing. In 2020 their Instagram page was having 2900 followers which has grown to 16000+ now.
I helped them collaborate with 400+ influencers on barter basis which was an amazing result driving step.
You will love looking at these links:
Website: https://naturallyyours.in/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naturallyyours6/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/naturallyyours6
I started working with Man Theory in 2020 when it was just launched. Man Theory is a premium men’s grooming brand with an amazing mission to help men become grounded.
I helped them create social media content, manage social media, generate new ideas, influencer campaigning and Facebook Paid Ads.
Together we helped the company have a good start and good sales. Generated up to 4X ROAS.
You will love looking at these links:
Website: https://www.mantheory.in/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mantheory.in/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mantheory.in
I helped them completely change their Feed & post designs which people liked looking at. Company started getting good visibility on social media by SEO based optimization specially on Instagram & LinkedIn.
Amelio It was a HR company into b2b so LinkedIn was an important platform for them. I helped the founder generate a lot of Leads on LinkedIn without spending a single rupee on Ads.
You will love looking at these links:
Website: https://www.amelioit.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amelioit/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amelioit
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/amelio-it-solutions/
Helped them in their social media company page content as well as Founder’s LinkedIn profile content.
PrepVector is an US based Edtech company. LinkedIn profile of their founder was really important for personal branding to generate leads for them and with our effort we made it successful.
You will love looking at these links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prepvector/